Manatee Area Council for Advanced Nursing Practice


Posted about 4 years ago by Janet DuBois


Can you volunteer in Hardy County in the next two weeks-see dates below? Wauchula FL to administer COVD Vaccine to over 65 yr citizens?

Florida APRN COLAITION is sequin volunteers with FL CRNA groups (FANA) workign with the Florid Department of Emergency Management to give shots in local communities. Sign up if you have an active RN or APRN license. If retired status you can get activated under emergency orders. If out of state active license you can contact BON for emergency volunteer status. If lapsed license, must reactivate thru BON

You are receiving this email because you or a friend indicated availability for vaccine volunteer efforts and/or indicated you were available January 13, 14, 15 and Jan. 20, 21, 22. We are contacting you because you live in Hardee or are in a nearby county. We have a staffing need in Hardee County over the next two weeks. We have a request for 4 nurses for EACH of these dates 0800 – 5:00 pm.  


Location: 511 K.D Revell Road  , Wauchula , FL  33873 

Dates Requested: January 13, 14, 15 and 20, 21, 22.

Time: 7am - 5pm. (7am orientation, vaccinations begin at 8am).

Notes: PPE provided, wear scrubs, bring extra PPE just in case.

Shift note: Full Shifts are HIGHLY Preferred as orientation is 7am (don't want to orient 2 groups), but if needed you can sign up for an AM or PM shift.

This request has been sent to 111 volunteers in and near this county. For ease of organization please click your availability in the embedded form below. If you have questions, please simply respond to this email. When your slot is filled and confirmed, we will send you an email, confirming your volunteer date. 

If the embedded form below does not work, follow this link:

Thank you so much for volunteering for these efforts! Reply to Samantha DeBee  Dr. Jose Castillo via email with any questions. 

Samantha DeBee

Director, Professional Advocacy

Florida Association of Nurse Anesthetists

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I've invited you to fill out a form:
FL Nurse Community Volunteer Vaccination Sign-up
You are receiving this email because you indicated you were available for vaccine volunteer efforts and/or indicated you were available January 13, 14, 15 and Jan. 20, 21, 22. We are contacting you because you live in Hardee or are in a nearby county and we have a staffing need in Hardee County over the next two weeks. We have a request for 4 nurses for each of these dates 0800 – 5:00 pm each day.   

Location: 511 K.D Revell Road, Wauchula , FL  33873
Dates Requested: January 13, 14, 15 and 20, 21, 22.
Time: 7am - 5pm. (7am orientation, vaccinations begin at 8am).

Please email with questions. 

Email address *

Full NAME and Credentials *

Phone Number (Will only be used for official purposes) *

The Following Times and Dates Depict the Needs by Hardee County. Please Select all dates you are available. PLEASE NOTE: Full Shifts are HIGHLY Preferred as orientation is 7am.

7am - 5pm 7am - 12pm 12pm-5pm
Wednesday, Jan. 13
Thursday, Jan. 14
Friday, Jan. 15
Wednesday, Jan. 20
Thursday, Jan. 21
Friday, Jan. 22

Please select ONE. I am a: *

  •  CRNA
  •  CRNA retired
  •  SRNA (RN)
  •  APRN
  •  APRN retired
  •  RN
  •  RN retired
  •  Other: 

Do you need the vaccine yourself? *

  •  Yes
  •  No

Have You Already Volunteered and Want to Share Your Experience? Follow this form to share your experience.

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided

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